With a brand that invokes a passion for urban living, sustainability and innovation, Zipcar engaged the Iron Creative team to create Ziptopia, a dynamic online destination. The storytelling platform gives a voice to members, employees and the wider public – generating a mix of perspectives, opinions, and experiences that make cities such enriching and sustainable places to live.

As a UX/UI Designer on this project I completed competitor analysis, user flows, wireframes, creative concepts, interaction design, icon design, design iterations by collaborating with a Sr. Visual Designer, template design, and completed production of all assets for development.

Taking inspiration from Zipcar’s tagline, "Wheels when you want them", the design allows users to engage with content on their own terms. Stories are organized by media type to allow users to interact with different types of information centered on their content consumption habits and interests. Elegant, scrolling sub navigation adds a degree of simple innovation that helps users to orient themselves as they progress through each content area. And since Zipsters are always on the go, responsive design allows the site to function fluently on desktop and all mobile devices.

In the physical space, Zipcar unlocks the possibility for urbanites to explore, while Ziptopia acts as a virtual vehicle, navigating its readers to a variety of sustainable lifestyles in cities across the country, and ultimately, around the world.

2014 Interactive Media Awards
Won Best in Class: Automotive and Lifestyle categories
Won Best in Class: Automotive and Lifestyle categories
Creative Director: Matt Cooke
Sr. Visual Designer: Tom Sears
Agency: Iron Creative
Sr. Visual Designer: Tom Sears
Agency: Iron Creative