This project created an interactive marketing catalog hosted by Belk.com (a wholesale Levi's retailer) with the look of a Levi's branded experience with a direct path to purchase. The goal was to engage consumers, encourage exploration and elevate both the Levi's and Belk brands. The responsive site could not be built on the belk.com framework but the challenge was it needed to communicate with their e-commerce ecosystem to allow customers to check out and complete their purchase.

Features including sorting the homepage tiles by All, Men, Women, or Juniors. When tiles were opened they took over the whole screen providing an immersive experience. When a tile was opened users were presented with different templates. Template 1 featured a lifestyle hero image for a specific fit. Template 2 was a color slider which highlighted the full color spectrum within a single fit. Template 3 were best sellers featuring the most popular fits for men, women and juniors within the Belk assortment. To increase traffic to the microsite, banner ads were placed on belk.com as well as in store signage directing users to the digital catalog.

As a UX/UI Designer on this project I produced all the tablet and mobile break points and completed production of all the necessary assets to the development team.

Fluid template that can be reused for different seasons of marketing campaigns
Creative Director: Matt Cooke
Senior Designer: Tom Sears
Agency: Iron Creative
Disciplines: User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Animation, Production Design.
Senior Designer: Tom Sears
Agency: Iron Creative
Disciplines: User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Animation, Production Design.